Tag Archives: Property

Estate Planning: No Contest Clause
In order to discourage disappointed heirs from disputing your estate plan, you can include a “no-contest” provision that automatically cancels an heir’s inheritance if he or she challenges the distribution of your assets in any way.

Estate Planning: Owing More Than You Own
When formulating your estate plan, it is possible to add all your assets and debts and find that you owe more than you own. Don’t panic: here is some helpful advice.

Preparing for the Storms of Life
Many people think an estate plan only involves drafting a document before you die. An equally important part of an estate plan should include what happens to you and your assets while you are living.

Family Planning: Helping With Ill Will
If you die without a will or trust, a court will decide … who will inherit your property. The result could well be contrary to your wishes.

Is a Living Trust Right for You?
The use of a revocable trust (sometimes referred to as a “living trust” or “family trust”) to plan one’s estate has become very popular. Despite the popularity of the revocable trust, revocable trusts are not without their potential problems.